Did you placed your China rose somewhere where it can get at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight every day?
Did you planted Rose Of China in well-drained soil with lots of organic matter?
Did you placed your Rose Of China somewhere warm?
Did you provide a humid environment for your China rose?
Do you keep the soil mix consistently moist but never soggy?
Do you fertilize your Rose Of China with a fertilizer for flowering plants during the growing season?
Did you prune your Rose of China in spring before the formation of buds?
Do you repot China roses every year?
Do you keep pests away from your Rose Of China?
Rose of China needs as much light as they can get, but not direct sunlight. If you left it in direct sunlight it is likely to get sunburned, and if you put it in the shade, it may refuse to bloom.
Plant your China rose in a mix of garden soil, soil mix, and heath.
In summer, a comfortable temperature for China rose is 64-77 ºF and higher. In winter the temperature should not be less than 59 ºF. The lowering of the temperature up to 50 ºF can make the plant drop off the leaves.
Growing of China rose requires high humidity, so spray the leaves of the plant in the summer heat, and even in winter, if the room temperature is higher than it is necessary for the plant at this time of the year. You can also put a plant on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay, but the bottom of the pot with China rose should not be in the water.
Soil should be kept consistently moist. The plant is watered with sedimented water of room temperature, and the frequency is determined by drying of the topsoil at a depth of 1 inch. Overwatered plants and soggy soil can cause root rots.
Feed China rose with a fertilizer for flowering plants or alternately combined mineral fertilizer with organic fertilizer every two weeks in the period from April to September. In winter, only potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied in the amount of a quarter of the indicated dose, and only in case of rose flowering.
It is necessary to remove dried, stretched, and bared shoots and to shorten healthy shoots by half. The purpose of pruning is increasing the number of flowering shoots, promoting the flowering, and the formation of a lush bush.
China roses should be repotted every year. Repotting China roses is generally performed in March before plant growth resumes. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one.
Good Job! You are taking good care of your Rose Of China.
Houseplants like China roses are usually safe from pests, but keep an eye on small insects like aphids, mealybugs, or scales. If the pests do appear, use a spray bottle of water or wipe the insects off gently with a bit of rubbing alcohol on a paper towel or cotton swab. Also, maintain good watering practices to avoid root rot and other fungal problems.
Sreten null
Hi! I’m Sreten Filipović. I graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Belgrade, with a master's degree in Environmental Protection in Agricultural Systems. I’ve worked as a researcher at Finland's Natural Resources Institute (LUKE) on a project aimed at adapting south-western Finland to drought episodes. I founded a consulting agency in the field of environment and agriculture to help farmers who want to implement the principles of sustainability on their farms. I’m also a founding member of the nonprofit organization Ecogenesis from Belgrade whose main goal is non-formal education on the environment and ecology. In my spare time, I like to write blog posts about sustainability, the environment, animal farming, horticulture, and plant protection. I’ve also published several science-fiction short stories.
You can find me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sreten-filipovi%C4%87-515aa5158/